娱乐休闲的英语 (娱乐休闲的英文单词)

杭州品茶 06-05 阅读:32 评论:0


  • Entertainment: 娱乐
  • Leisure: 休闲
  • Amusement: 娱乐
  • Fun: 乐趣
  • Play: 玩耍
  • Game: 游戏
  • Hobby: 爱好
  • Sport: 运动
  • Exercise: 锻炼
  • Reading: 阅读
  • Watching TV: 看电视
  • Listening to music: 听音乐
  • Traveling: 旅行
  • Going out with friends: 与朋友外出
  • 娱乐休闲的英语 (娱乐休闲的英文单词)
  • Spending time with family: 与家人共度时光


  • Have fun: 玩得开心
  • Enjoy yourself: 享受自己
  • Take a break: 休息一下
  • Relax: 放松
  • Go on a vacation: 去度假
  • Do something you enjoy: 做你喜欢的事情
  • Spend time with loved ones: 与亲人共度时光
  • Get some exercise: 做一些运动
  • Read a book: 读一本书
  • Watch a movie: 看一部电影
  • Listen to music: 听音乐
  • Travel to new places: 旅行去新地方
  • Go out with friends: 与朋友外出
  • Spend time with family: 与家人共度时光


  • I like to relax by reading a book.
  • I enjoy spending time with my family.
  • I get some exercise by going for a walk every day.
  • I love to travel to new places.
  • I have fun going out with friends.
  • I spend time with my family by going to dinner together.
