2020杭州市萧山区一模英语 (2020杭州中考数学)

杭州桑拿 06-18 阅读:44 评论:0


试卷共分四部分,满分120分,考试时间120分钟。第一部分:听力 (20分)第二部分:语言知识及应用 (30分)第三部分:阅读理解 (25分)第四部分:写作 (45分)


第一部分:听力 (20分)短对话长对话短文理解第二部分:语言知识及应用 (30分)单项选择完形填空语法填空词语用法第三部分:阅读理解 (25分)选词填空短文理解第四部分:写作 (45分)短文改错书面表达 2020杭州市萧山区一模英语 (2020杭州中考数学)


第一部分:听力短对话1. What's the weather like today?A. It's sunny.B. It's windy.C. It's rainy.2. What did the girl do last weekend?A. She went to the park.B. She stayed at home.C. She went to school.长对话1. What kind of animal is the girl's pet?A. A catB. A dogC. A fish2. What does the girl usually do with her pet?A. Play with itB. Feed itC. Take it for walks短文理解1. What is the main topic of the passage?A. The importance of educationB. The benefits of readingC. The role of parents in education2. What is the author's purpose in writing the passage?A. To persuade readers to read more , from the 7th century BC to the 16th century AD. It was built to protect China from invaders. The Great Wall is a symbol of Chinese history and culture. It is also a popular tourist destination.1. How long did it take to build the Great Wall? 2. What was the main purpose of the Great Wall? 3. Why is the Great Wall a popular tourist destination?第四部分:写作短文改错The following passage has some errors. Correct the errors and write the corrected passage below.My name is Tom. I am a student. I live in China. I like play basketball. I also like to play the piano. I have many friend.书面表达Write a short paragraph about your favorite subject in school and why you like it.
