2020年全国卷1英语答案 (2020年全面建成小康社会)

杭州娱乐 04-26 阅读:52 评论:0



  1. Passage 1



    1. COVID-19是由什么引起的?
    2. 2020年全国卷1英语答案 (2020年全面建成小康社会)
    3. 截至2020年4月10日,全球确诊病例已超过多少?
    4. COVID-19的主要传播途径是什么?
    5. 目前针对COVID-19有特异性治疗方法吗?
    6. 预防COVID-19的措施不包括哪一项?
  2. Passage 2



    1. 互联网给人们带来了哪些便利?
    2. 互联网也带来了一些什么负面影响?
    3. 如何利用好互联网,已成为当今社会面临的一项什么课题?



I was on my way to work one morning when I saw a homeless man sitting on the sidewalk. He was dressed in rags and looked very _1_ and sad. I felt _2_, but I didn't know what to do. I had never given money to a homeless person before.

I hesitated for a moment, then I decided to _3_ up to him. As I approached, he looked up at me with _4_. I stopped in front of him and _5_ him if he needed any help.

He looked surprised and hesitated for a moment before nodding. I asked him if he was _6_, and he said yes. I didn't have much cash on me, but I gave him the $10 I had in my pocket.

As I turned to leave, the man _7_ my hand and said, "Thank you, _8_. You are a kind person." I was touched by his words.

  1. A. happy B. miserable C. handsome D. ugly
  2. A. happy B. sorry C. surprised D. angry
  3. A. run B. walk C. go D. drive
  4. A. fear B. sadness C. hope D. anger
  5. A.asked B. told C. begged D. offered
  6. A. sick B. hungry C. tired D. thirsty
  7. A. shook B. squeezed C. kissed D. waved
  8. A. sir B. madam C. miss D. brother



In 2020, the whole world _1_ the COVID-19 pandemic. It has had a profound _2_ on our lives. We have had to adapt to a new _3_, wearing masks, washing our hands _4_, and keeping our distance _5_ others.

But even in these challenging times, we must not give up hope. We must continue to fight _6_ this virus. We must work together to find a _7_ and protect our loved ones. We must remember that we are all in this _8_, and we will overcome it _9_.




  • 严格封城和隔离
  • 全民核酸检测
  • 研发疫苗和药物
  • 社会各界团结抗疫
  • 抗疫取得显著成效

Dear John,

I'm writing to you today to tell you about China's experience in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. As you know, the疫情 has had a profound impact on the world, and China has been at the forefront of the fight against it.

One of the most important measures that China took was to implement a strict lockdown in Wuhan, the city where the 疫情 first emerged. This lockdown involved restricting all travel in and out of the city, and requiring all residents to stay home. This measure was very effective in containing the spread of the virus.

Another important measure was to conduct mass nucleic acid testing. This allowed China to identify and isolate infected individuals, even those who were asymptomatic. This helped to prevent the further spread of the virus.

In addition, China has also invested heavily in the research and development of vaccines and drugs. This has led to the development of several effective vaccines, which are now being used to vaccinate the Chinese population.

Finally, it is important to note that China's success in fighting the pandemic is due in large part to the团结 of its people. All levels of society, from the government to the private sector to individual citizens, have come together to support the fight against the 疫情.

As a result of these measures, China has achieved significant success in抗击 the pandemic. The number of new cases has been大幅下降, and the economy is recovering. I am proud of what my country has been able to accomplish, and I am confident that we will continue to make progress in the fight against this virus.

I hope this information is helpful. Please let me know if you have any other questions.

Best regards,

Li Hua

